Forum Discussion

MarcusBengtsson's avatar
Frequent Contributor
3 years ago

Unable to click on a specific button on web


Hard to explain, but when I am trying to record and click on create test button it will record it as the "ComTestWeb" (right side in image) and not browserwindow2 (left side). So I copied the selectors and created it under BrowserWindow2 but it still is not possible to highlight it for some reason 


Browserwindow2 highlights correctly.

But after my change to add createbutton under Browserwindow2 it cant highlight it.



I managed to fix this earlier with a similar issue as it was about the http path needed to be changed but not working now. Anyone else had this issue?

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Difficult to see the pictures, as they are very small!

    • MarcusBengtsson's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Ops I thought they were able to get bigger let me repost here.



      I copied the buttonCreateButton and moved it under BrowserWindow2 as this have worked before for me but not this time.


  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    What properties have you used to identify ComTestWeb, BrowserWindow and BrowserWindow2?


    And do the above, definitely belong to Sys.browser?


    They should have unique properties so that TC can distinguish between the windows.

    • MarcusBengtsson's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      I mean it worked to highlight "BrowserWindow" it choose the correct window. But when I tried to add that button create button it did not highlight it 😞 



  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Could you try - create a new project without xpath and css selected. Have all windows opened in your application, and then record your actions of clicking the "Create new test" button.


    Have a look at NameMapping, and see how TC has identified the button. Check that TC is able to Highlight the button correctly


    Reopen all your windows (if possible, reopen them in a different order). Check that TC is able to Highlight the button again.


    If the above fails, then the parent object properties of the button has changed i.e. ObjectIdentifer value may has changed - you need to identify what properties are not working.