7 years agoRegular Contributor
Trying to get Hex/RGB value of a color preview swatch, please help!
Hi everyone
In configuration page some colors are customizable.
- When clicked on any of the input fields, a color chooser pops up.
- Selecting a color populates the field with the hex value.
- The preview swatch updates to the selected color.
I am trying to access the hex value of the preview color. After some reading, this is what I came up with:
(I have noticed that swatch value shows up as Hex in Chrome but as RGB in IE!)
var colorPrimary = page.QuerySelector(".evo-colorind"); var style = page.contentDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(colorPrimary, ""); Log.Message(style.background-color);
I am getting JavaScript runtime error 0x80020101 at 'style' var. Any help deeply appreciated.