Forum Discussion

khanzzirfan's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

The project suite or project you are opening in TestExecute is not a valid TestComplete project suit

I'm trying to generate the report using the below command, but unsuccessful all the time. What is the right way if someone can guide? 

TestComplete.exe C:\code\Takeflight\TestProjectVinea\TestProject1.pjs /run /p:Calculator /ExportSummary:"C:\code\Takeflight\TestProjectVinea\TestProject1\output\report.xml"


  • Ok, I found the problem. It turned out to be admin permissions on the windows location, where TestComplete.exe file is located. 


    So work around I have to create a shortcut file for TestComplete.exe on desktop and execute via shortcut file. 

    .\TestComplete.lnk "C:\My Projects\MySuite.pjs" /some /other /switches

3 Replies

  • zarcher's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    You need to specify the test to run...


    TestComplete.exe C:\code\Takeflight\TestProjectVinea\TestProject1.pjs /run /project:Calculator /test:Test1 /ExportSummary:"C:\code\Takeflight\TestProjectVinea\TestProject1\output\report.xml"

  • judging by the (error) out put message, it does not seem to me that you are providing the right command line arguments. By all means, if you have TestComplete.exe set as an environment variable, the command line args that you provided should work. However, judging by the message, you are doing something like:

    TestComplete.exe TestComplete.exe "C:\fullpath_to_your_pjs_file" /some /other /switches

     Concretely, it seems to me that you are calling on the executable twice. (apart from the fact that the executable itself doesn't seem to be capitalized in the format that i expect (but i am not sure if this has an affect on the validness of the executable file itself)

  • khanzzirfan's avatar
    New Contributor

    Ok, I found the problem. It turned out to be admin permissions on the windows location, where TestComplete.exe file is located. 


    So work around I have to create a shortcut file for TestComplete.exe on desktop and execute via shortcut file. 

    .\TestComplete.lnk "C:\My Projects\MySuite.pjs" /some /other /switches