'The object with the specified attributes does not exist.' error while checking for a CrystalReport
Hi All,
Kindly help to resolve object checking errors on the VB Script.
\I've been writing VB Script test cases for our windows application product. Below is the testing scenario that fails.
Our application provides some user activity reports to the administrators. The reports will be populated on Crystal Reports report viewer.
Test case and Scenario:
1. Run the report without making any selection.
2. If the report selection is not done, then a custom message box will be displayed.
3. Close the message box.
4. Make the selection and run the report.
5. If there is no data to be reported, then a default windows message box will be shown.
6. If the data is available, then it will be opened on Crystal Reports viewer.
7. Close the current report.
8. Repeat step #3 to #6 for the next report.
9. Repeat the same for almost 21 different reports.
On the VBScript, I have created this scenario as follows and it works fine except one error.
1. Check for the output.
2. If exist custom message box - then close it and make a report selection.
3. Else, check If exist crystal reports viewer. Then close the report and continue to next step.
4. Else, close the windows default message box assuming there is no data to be reported.
The issue happens and execution fails at stage #3 from the above. If there is no Crystal Reports viewer available then the whole checking is getting failed with the following error.
'The object with the specified attributes does not exist.'
Code from my script:
Function RunReport (rptOption) Set frmReportOptions = Aliases.cwConsole.frmReportOptions Set Rep = Sys.Process("cwConsole.exe").winformsObject("frmCrystalReport") Call frmReportOptions.gbReportType.cboReportTypes.ClickItem(rptOption) frmReportOptions.btnRunReport.ClickButton Sleep 6000 err.clear on error resume Next If Not Aliases.cwConsole.dlgBrowseReporter.btnOK.Exists Then If Not Sys.Process("cwConsole.exe").winformsObject("frmCrystalReport").Exists Then Aliases.cwConsole.WinFormsObject("frmMsgBox_Specific").WinFormsObject("panel1").WinFormsObject("btnOK").ClickButton Aliases.cwConsole.frmReportOptions.WinFormsObject("gbSpecificURLs").WinFormsObject("lnkApplication").Click Aliases.cwConsole.WinFormsObject("frmSpecifiedUrls").WinFormsObject("groupBox1").WinFormsObject("txtURL").Click Aliases.cwConsole.WinFormsObject("frmSpecifiedUrls").WinFormsObject("groupBox1").WinFormsObject("txtURL").SetText("Chrome.exe") Aliases.cwConsole.WinFormsObject("frmSpecifiedUrls").WinFormsObject("groupBox1").WinFormsObject("btnAddUrl").ClickButton Aliases.cwConsole.WinFormsObject("frmSpecifiedUrls").WinFormsObject("btnApply").ClickButton Aliases.cwConsole.WinFormsObject("frmSpecifiedUrls").WinFormsObject("btnOK").ClickButton frmReportOptions.btnRunReport.ClickButton Else Aliases.cwConsole.frmCrystalReport.Close End If Else Aliases.cwConsole.dlgBrowseReporter.btnOK.ClickButton End If Sleep 2000 End Function
Thanks and regards,
Codework Inc.
Hi Robert,
Sorry for the delayed response.
I was playing around with the code and finally, I got a solution for this. I've replaced WaitAliasChild with WaitWinFormsObject method. This is working as expected and my code is successful now.
Here is the new code which fixed the issues.
If Aliases.cwConsole.WaitWinFormsObject("frmCrystalReport", 30000).Exists Then
Thank you very much for your ideas and for helping me to fix the issues. I will be testing the new code and will get back to you if I get any further issues.