Testing QT app with non-standard QT dll names
Hello community,
We have been using TestComplete for many years on .NET apps and now need to use it on a QT app. The QT dlls used by the app are named with a prefix. We cannot easily change this to fulfill the following requirement:
"Qt application modules
Do not rename or modify the following modules of the tested Qt application:
- QtNGui.dll
- QtNCore.dll
- QtNWidgets.dll
Where N is the used Qt version.
TestComplete uses these modules to access objects in the Qt applications. If these modules are renamed or some functions are deleted from these modules, TestComplete will not be able to access objects in tested Qt applications."
This seems like an unreasonable requirement. We are only talking about a file name. Is there a workaround(registry setting, some hidden developer setting, etc) for this besides us changing the qt dll names?