Forum Discussion

agiletstware's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

print test case name and status


I need to print my test case name and its status (pass, fail, etc) to the log when a test case finishes.

I tried a simple onstepTest and onStartTest event, but seems like this is not supported?

Sub GeneralEvents_OnStopTest(Sender)


End Sub

Sub GeneralEvents_OnStartTest(Sender)


End Sub

I get an VBScript runtime error.

How can I print the testcase name? This should be fairly easy I hope

3 Replies

  • Hi,

    How are you running the tests?

    I have something similar where I use Project.TestItems.Current.Name.

    If I run the test from the individual test editor and I do not run the test from the Project Folder I get a run time error. 

    You have to add the tests to the project editor (Test Item panel) and run them from there.
  • agiletstware's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    so this helps a little. Was not aware that you need to add the test to the project editor first.

    I can see the message is noe being logged. However, it does not seem to log the test case name.

    I have a Keyword Test called 'Test1'

    However, when I run the project with the following event

    Sub GeneralEvents_OnStopTest(Sender)


    End Sub

    It prints out


    How do I get it to print 'Test1'