Forum Discussion

Sariali's avatar
14 years ago

[TestExecute] exporting results automatically

Hello, we are testing within VMware within CruiseControl. The results of the tests are saved in the folder "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\tcResults1.mht" on the vm. We would like copy this mht-file to the host, but it is not possible. iExplorer is locking the file.

Is there an option to supress the feature showing the result in iExplorer automatically or is it possible to control TestExecute to export the result on a separat folder automatically?


Necip Sariali

5 Replies

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor
    Run TestExecute standalone.  It will show up, then, in the SysTray of the machine.  Right click on that icon and select options.  Within that options list is a section on the Log with a check box about opening the log automatically.  Deselect that checkbox and it will no longer automatically open in IE.
  • Hello Robert!

    yes, this is a possible way, thank you, but...

    we are completely installing automatically TestExecute on a fresh windows system to have a solid clear defined state in the beginning.

    Unfortunately there is no parameter for TestExecute to shut off this feature.

    ... I have just a crazy idee: starting another tc-project after finish the main-project that controls the menu of the tray-icon to export the results! :D - I am afraid, it wouldn't work... 
  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor
    So, part of your test process is to install TestExecute?  That seems a little strange, to tell the truth.  Currently, as far as I know, there's no way to have TestExecute install with that option turned off.

    Additionally, running a project to alter the sys-tray icon would not work as, while TestExecute is running, the Options menu item is not-selectable.

    My suggestion would be to have TestExecute pre-installed in the VM that you're running your tests against rather than re-installing TestExecute every time you want to run your tests.
  • "My suggestion would be to have TestExecute pre-installed in the VM that you're running your tests against rather than re-installing TestExecute every time you want to run your tests."

    This is a good idea, Robert!

    a little present: "the way of testivus" - google it! :)
  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor
    Actually, I have a PDF copy of that ancient document.  It's amazing what those Himalayan software developers came up with, isn't it? ;-)