Forum Discussion

mengbinhao's avatar
3 years ago

TestComplete kill process of target desktop app

Hi there,

All of my automated scripts run fine with my target desktop app,  The special case is when target app creates a sub-process to open a new window,  TestComplete will kill the main process of the target app when I use TestComplete playback over 30 seconds on the new window (No matter what operation TestComplete did, just execute aqUtils.Delay(60000) kill the main process as well), it seems like TestComplete execute process.terminate() to the main process, but It's ok when I operate target app by manual, Anything I can do on TestComplete side?

Please give me some advice. 

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    I am not sure that I understood your question / problem...

    Could you clarify?


    • mengbinhao's avatar

      Hi Alex,

      Sorry, My question is the tested desktop application display a main window, It popup a new window(This is a sub-process) when I click one menu, then I use Testcomplete to do any action on this new window, Testcomplete kill the main window(main process of tested application) and throw an error(pls see picture), Why does Testcomplete kill tested application process?  Do I express clearly?

      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Champion Level 3



        This another (sub-process, spawned) window - is it a modal one? I.e. can you switch between it and a main window or you must close this another window in order to be able to return to the main one?

        Can you post a screenshot of this sub-process window ?


        BTW, you are calling this window as 'sub-process'. Is this really so? Can you see another process that corresponds to this window in Windows TaskManager?


    • mengbinhao's avatar

      Hi Alex,

      Sorry, My question is the tested desktop application displays a main window, It popup a new window(This is a sub-process) when I click one button on the main window, then I use Testcomplete do any action on this new window, Testcomplete kill the main window(main process of tested application) and throw an error(pls see picture), Why does Testcomplete kill tested application process?