Forum Discussion

JonasM's avatar
New Contributor
13 years ago

TestComplete 8 and Delphi TDBGrid

Hi there,

i'm using TestComplete 8 and wanted to get the values of an Delphi TDBGrid.

I obtain all properties except the values. The program justs shows me the following message:


An error occurred.

Possible reasons:

1. The application stopped responding.

2. The application was compiled incorrectly (see the Open Applications topic in the help system).

3. An error occurred in TestComplete.

Technical information:

103 0x80020006 (unknown name.) Count.

I tried:

  • to use a code from the Obtaining and Setting Cell values page

  • checked if there is an object mapping entry

  • read the help pages

but the results are just the same.

Hope you can help


3 Replies

  • irina_lukina's avatar
    Super Contributor

    Hi Jonas,

    Could you please post here the code that you are using to get the target value? It will be very helpful for the problem's investigation.


  • JonasM's avatar
    New Contributor
    I just used the script out of the help library:

    '[TestComplete VBScript]

    Sub getDBGrid

    Set p = Sys.Process("GridTest")

    Set Grid = p.VCLObject("MainForm").VCLObject("DBGrid1")

    ' Get the cell value

    s = GetCell(Grid, 1, 1)

    Log.Message s

    End Sub

    ' Get the cell by its row and column indexes (zero-based)

    Function GetCell(GridObject, Row, Col)

    ' Get the field name

    FldName = GridObject.Columns.Items(Col).FieldName

    ' Activate the row

    Call ActivateRow(GridObject, Row)

    ' Get the field text

    Set Fld = GridObject.DataSource.DataSet.FieldByName(FldName)

    GetCell = Fld.AsString

    End Function

    ' Activate a row by its index (zero-based)

    Sub ActivateRow(GridObject, RowIndex)

    Call GridObject.DataSource.DataSet.First()

    Call GridObject.DataSource.DataSet.MoveBy(RowIndex)

    End Sub

    but the result is the same as the result from the property/table checkpoint.

    I get all properties except for the values. There I get the error message from above.