Forum Discussion

greendarkness's avatar
12 years ago

TC 9 click() tries to click outside object

I've run into this twice now since I updated to the latest version of TestComplete 9. One was in a script, and one was in a keyword test. The script called the .click() method with no parameters, and the keyword test has clientX and clientY set to -1

I get an error similar to the following:

There was an attempt to perform an action at point (28, -51), which is out of the window bounds.

The window size is (58, 28); screen rectangle: the left top corner is (313, 147), the right bottom corner is (370, 174).

The screen coordinates of the point is (341, 96).

Tested object:


(Sys["Browser"]("chrome")["Page"]("http://vm2008r2a/paperless.test.portal/Production/WorkcenterAdmin.aspx")["Form"]("Form")["Panel"](2)["Table"](0)["Cell"](0, 0)["Panel"]("navbar")["Link"](0))

The object is 58x28 big, and it is trying to click 28,-51 which is outside of the object. The other error was the same, but it was clicking around 21,606 when the object was only 43x62 or so big.

The first script is a test I run multiple times and it worked correctly the first 25+ times, and this is not something I can reproduce on demand at all. Is there some sort of bug in TestComplete?