Forum Discussion

adrianmbs's avatar
Occasional Contributor
14 years ago

Tabbed-Browsing Recording: Operations in newly opened tab do not play back

I am trialing TestComplete8. At the moment, I am reviewing its "web-browsing" capabilities.

The site I am testing has a series of links. I begin to record:

-- I have a browser open showing a tab or page.

-- I open a link in a new (Firefox) tab.

-- I navigate to this newly opened tab.

-- I review the content on that new tab page.

-- I close the tab and return to the original tab page.

The Keyword Test Log is fine up to "The menu item 'Open Link In New Tab' was clicked with the left mouse button", but the next log entries are:

- "The object does not exist. See Remarks..."

- "Exception"

- "Test execution was interrupted..."

I am under the impression that the recording did occur, but the playback is where there is an issue. If I look at "Test1", this current test, The ClickItem "Open Link In New Tab" operation is listed, so too are the Click operation and then finally the ClickItem "File|Close Tab" operation where I closed the newly opened tab.

So why does TestComplete lose the "reference" to the new tab after opening it?


- EDIT: I re-ran the test yet again, and this time, for no apparent reason, TC8 shut the first tab that was open first, (before the start of recording) and left me with the newly opened tab.
  • adrianmbs's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    OK, I'm using Firefox 3.5.14. Along the strip where the tab names are, on the right, there is a downard facing triangle, just above the scroll bar. When I record, using this button to navigate between the tabs, it appears the playback does correctly pass through all the steps that I performed.
  • Hi Adrian,

    It sounds nice that you have found a workaround. In addition to this, you can find useful the following article:

    Web Testing and Tabbed Browsers

    If you face some recording and playback issues again, please zip the entire project suite folder along with the test execution log and send us the archive.

  • adrianmbs's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    ok thanks Allen. What are your online support hours because I work 9am-5.30am in the UK which is probably 4am-12.30 noon ET over there.