Forum Discussion

motorola's avatar
13 years ago


in my script unit, I want to check whether firefox is initiated or not by using Sys.process("firefox").Exists. basically the if..else logic is to tell testcomplete to launch firefox if exists=false and if not, then check whether there's a window pointing to a certain url.

  if(Sys.Process("firefox").Exists == false)


    //Runs the "firefox" tested application.




    if(Sys.Process("firefox").Page("*").Exists == false)


      //Opens the specified page in a browser. The URL can hold either an absolute or a relative path to the page. The "Make Page object a child of the browser process" option should be turned on.



the test fails at the very first line. I don;t get it. shouldn't the execution resume to running firefox in the event firefox is not yet opened? but why do I get failed test instead?
  • Hi,

    To check whether Firefox is launched, obtain it with the WaitProcess method which allows you to handle non-existent processes safely.
  • I deliberately closed firefox, expecting the .exists to return false, so testcomplete will launch firefox (as shown in the snippet). Is this not the right way to do?
  • Hi,

    As I've already mentioned, use WaitProcess instead of Process.