successful case
Hello, I'm using it well that Test Complete.
And I studied hard that Test Complete's functions with SmartBear Community people's help.
Always, Thanks for your help.
Thanks to, I can make well automation test and handle well Test Complete.
I almost understood the Test Complete.
Finally, Recently I purchased the Pro license.
At the current steps, I got interested that automation tools or Test Complete's future.
like.. How can I apply various situation stably.
What is the successful case using Test Complete or automation test.. and so on.
Have you that real data? successful Examples, your personal Ideas about Test Complete or Official data.
Are there any real examples of success in company?
Do you have any recommend extension tools for better use the Test Complete?
Please share that things anythings you know..
Thank you ^^
Congratulations on a successful start!
Here are some Best Practices that TestComplete has put together for us: