5 years agoContributor
Stop Execution causes OnStop Handler to fail
I noticed that when I use Stop Execution in our Keyword Tests, our OnStop Event Handler (which is a KWT) raises and exception when it tries to call an advanced script
Here are the contents of the KWT handler:
The exception raised says:
An exception occurred while executing the script routine
I added some logging to trace up to where the script actually gets to, apparently the KWT cannot even load the advanced script.
Thinking that this might be caused by a weird behavior of advanced scripts in handlers I decided to make a purely advanced script version of our KWT handler:
And surprisingly this one works. Anyone know what the possible issue might be?
I was thinking that you can either go purely KWTs with no advanced scripts or just call an advanced script for the handler.
Hi wmtan01,
I can suggest that you implement the suggestions posted in the Handling Exceptions in Scripts article. I think this may help you better understand why you get the exception.