Some questions about [Performance Counters] in the TestComplete
- 8 years ago
Hi Steven,
> I want to test the response time of application.
Response time of the web application includes quite a few parts -
So you need to define more precisely what you like to measure.
With TestComplete you can measure (with a moderate precision) only the overall page performance from the end-user point of view. For example, you can get a time before clicking a button, perform a click, wait until some expected element appears on the page and get a time again. Subtract times and get page performance as observed by the end-user.
Obvious note for all measurements: you must repeat the above measurements several times, with or without clearing the cache and use only averaged statistical results.
The above approach will provide you with a page performance from the end-user point of view but will not let you know the reasons in case of poor performance.
To understand the reasons of poor performance you need to measure performance of every component of your system to find the bottleneck : requests performance, performance of the application server (if exists) and performance of the database (if exists).
Requests performance can be measured with, for example, LoadComplete tool ( or SoapUI ( depending on the design of your web application.
Performance of the application server can be measured using AQTime (
Profiling of the database is better to do using the tools provided with the given database engine.
Performance Counters ( can be used in conjunction with all above measurements but while they can provide you with the information about existing problem (e.g. high memory consumption, or a high rate of disk access, etc.) they will not let you know where in code this occurs. So information provided by performance counters should be used together with the information provided by specific profiling software.