10 years agoContributor
Send test result via e-mail in subject
I need to run my test project in TestComplete10 every night, and I need to be able to send result (Succeded/Error(s) occurred) as a part of a email subject.
I run the test project through command line (or I should say batch files) and I also use command line to send emails. First I thought that I always send the .mht file as an attachment, but it is to large even after compression, so I cannot use this solution. I read some other threads about this and everybody solves this using TestCompletes SendMail method. So I just wonder if there is some way to get the result from commandline.
I need to run my test project in TestComplete10 every night, and I need to be able to send result (Succeded/Error(s) occurred) as a part of a email subject.
I run the test project through command line (or I should say batch files) and I also use command line to send emails. First I thought that I always send the .mht file as an attachment, but it is to large even after compression, so I cannot use this solution. I read some other threads about this and everybody solves this using TestCompletes SendMail method. So I just wonder if there is some way to get the result from commandline.
- Hello Miriam,
we had a similar requirement and here's how we tackled this:
1. Create a global variable (e.g. "strTestResult") that would hold the global test result. This is what will appear in your eMail subject later
2. Override GeneralEvent_OnStopTest and add sth. like this
Function: GeneralEvents_OnStopTest()
This method assigns global test result (FAILED, WARNING, OK) to test project according to single test results.
Bubbles up to higher severity level, i.e. if WARNING is recorded in any of test cases and no FAILED recorded anywhere,
global test outcome is WARNING. If FAILED is recorded in any test case, global result will be FAILED.
function GeneralEvents_OnStopTest(Sender)
if (Log.ErrCount > 0)
strTestResult = "FAILED";
else if (Log.WrnCount > 0 && Log.ErrCount == 0)
strTestResult = strTestResult != "FAILED" ? "WARNING" : "FAILED";
strTestResult = strTestResult != "FAILED" ?
(strTestResult != "WARNING" ? "OK" : "WARNING") : "FAILED";
3. Export the test results from TestComplete to a temprary file after the run and then parse it for desired attributes.
We have following method to do this, the output will be a small HTML table with a quick summary
function GetTestSummary()
var tempFolder = "C:\\temp\\" + GetTickCount() + "\\";
if (0 != aqFileSystem.CreateFolder(tempFolder))
Log.Error("The " + tempFolder + " temp folder was not created");
return "";
Log.SaveResultsAs(tempFolder, lsXML);
var xDoc = Sys.OleObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0");
xDoc.load(tempFolder + "Description.tcLog");
// Warning count
var wrnC = VarToInteger(xDoc.selectSingleNode('Nodes/Node[@name="root"]/Prp[@name="warning count"]/@value').text);
//Error count
var errC = VarToInteger(xDoc.selectSingleNode('Nodes/Node[@name="root"]/Prp[@name="error count"]/@value').text);
//Execution time
var startTime = parseFloat(xDoc.selectSingleNode('Nodes/Node[@name="root"]/Prp[@name="start time"]/@value').text);
var stopTime = parseFloat(xDoc.selectSingleNode('Nodes/Node[@name="root"]/Prp[@name="stop time"]/@value').text);
aqFileSystem.DeleteFolder(tempFolder, true);
var cellStyle = "style=\"padding-left:5px; padding-right:5px";
var errCntCellBg = "; background-color:" + (errC > 0 ? "#FF704D\"" : "#ACD630\"");
var wrnCntCellBg = "; background-color:" + (wrnC > 0 ? "#FFFF75\"" : "#ACD630\"");
var res = "<table border =\"1\">" +
"<tr><td " + cellStyle + "\">Errors: </td><td " + cellStyle + errCntCellBg + "\">" + errC + "</td></tr>" +
"<tr><td " + cellStyle + "\">Warnings: </td><td " + cellStyle + wrnCntCellBg + "\">" + wrnC + "</td></tr>" +
"<tr><td " + cellStyle + "\">Start Time: </td><td " + cellStyle + "\">" + aqConvert.DateTimeToStr(startTime) + "</td></tr>" +
"<tr><td " + cellStyle + "\">Stop Time: </td><td " + cellStyle + "\">" + aqConvert.DateTimeToStr(stopTime) + "</td></tr>" +
"<tr><td " + cellStyle + "\">Run Time: </td><td " + cellStyle + "\">" + aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr(stopTime - startTime, "%H:%M:%S") + "</td></tr>" +
return res;
4. Then call the method above and save the HTML output to a variable (see "strTestSummary"). Also save the .mht file to a directory of your choice on the server and store the path in the variable -> this will be the link to the file in the automatic eMail sent later (see below):
function SaveAndEmailTestResults()
var FileName, NowValue, strNowValue, strTestSummary;
strTestSummary = GetTestSummary();
// Obtain the current date and time
// Convert the returned date/time value to string value
strNowValue = aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr(NowValue, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S");
FileName = strLogFilePath + "\\" + strNowValue + ".mht";
Log.SaveResultsAs(FileName, 2);
//Send eMail
SendCDOEmail(strTestResult, strTestSummary, strAppVersionInfo, FileName);
//re-initialize global test result flag
5. Invoke automatic sending of eMail (see "SendCDOEmail" call above). Make sure to supply the correct input parameters (SMTP credentials etc.) :
function SendCDOEmail(testResult,resultSummary, versionInfo, file)
var i, schema, mConfig, mMessage, mSubject, mBody;
var strTestServerIP = "\\\\";
var strFileLink = aqString.Replace(file,"C:",strTestServerIP);
mBody="Application " + versionInfo + "<br><br>" + resultSummary + "<br>Log file: <a href =\"" + strFileLink + "\">" + strFileLink + "</a>";
mSubject= "Automated test notification: " + testResult;
schema = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/";
mConfig = Sys.OleObject("CDO.Configuration");
mConfig.Fields.Item(schema + "sendusing") = 2; // cdoSendUsingPort
mConfig.Fields.Item(schema + "smtpserver") = strLogSMTPServer; // SMTP server
mConfig.Fields.Item(schema + "smtpserverport") = 25; // Port number
mConfig.Fields.Item(schema + "MailboxURL")= strLogMailBoxUrl;
//mConfig.Fields.Item(schema + "sendusername") = "user"; // User name (if needed)
//mConfig.Fields.Item(schema + "sendpassword") = "pwd"; // User password (if needed)
mMessage = Sys.OleObject("CDO.Message");
mMessage.MimeFormatted = true;
mMessage.Configuration = mConfig;
mMessage.From = strLogSenderName;
mMessage.To = strLogRecipientAddress;
mMessage.Subject = mSubject;
mMessage.HTMLBody = mBody;
catch (exception)
Log.Error("E-mail cannot be sent", exception.description);
return false;
Log.Message("Message to <" + strLogRecipientAddress + "> was successfully sent");
return true;
Hope this helps to point you to the right direction.