Forum Discussion

testbogus's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

Select the following data

If you click Data on the Grid to go to the details page and make corrections, the Data you just used will no longer be reusable.

If I used the first data when implementing it in automation, is there a way I can use the second data the next time I launch it?

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    Not sure what you mean when talking about 'first data' and 'second data', but if my guess is correct, you can, for example, get a list of all rows/cells in the given grid and click first/second/random row or cell.


    • testbogus's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      thank you for your answer. I would like to know how to write the first data when running the recorded data and select the second data when running the same keyword test. Is the method that was possible applicable to this case?

      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        Having no idea about both your tested application and your test code I am not sure I can recommend something.

        But having my guess in mind and remembering that you mentioned some grid, I still can suggest to work with rows and/or cells.

        The answer on the question of how to access grid rows and cells depends on your tested application. Use Object Browser to analyze the grid and check how you can work with it. (Note, in case of web application, what seems to look like a grid might appear to be a loosely coupled set of panels/divs and you will need to work out a relevant amount of code to reliable work with them.)