Forum Discussion

Rmuenks1's avatar
Occasional Contributor
2 years ago

Salesforce API update issue

Hi Smartbear Community!  

I'm using the unsupported API github extension for common Salesforce API calls.  I ran into an issue trying to edit/update existing ACCOUNT data.

I'm using JS and have created a function I can pass AccountName to, which then pulls the ID, and then does a Salesforce.Account.Get on the Salesforce instance.

function Edit_Account(AccountName)
    AccountName = aqString.Replace(AccountName,"'","\\'");
    let AccountID = Salesforce.Query("SELECT+Id+from+Account+WHERE+Name+=+'" + AccountName + "'");
    let AccountObj = Salesforce.Account.Get(AccountID.GetItem(0).Id);

The issue I'm running into is an error posts back after attempting to .Send() the data back to SF.  It seems like the .Get call is pulling back a record with a lot of columns which I don't intend to change and when using .Send() I get the following error.  

[{"message":"Account: bad field names on insert/update call: Additional_E_mail__pc, Special_Needs__pc, Custom_Permissions__pc, Lic_Designation__pc, FinServ__ReferredByUser__pc, FinServ__CommunicationPreferences__pc, FinServ__ContactPreference__pc, Business_Phone__pc, Events_Experiences__pc, NAM_ID__pc, Formal_First_Name__pc, FinServ__CustomerTimezone__pc, Flag_for_Deletion__pc, Customize_QPR__pc, FinServ__SourceSystemId__pc, etc.

When I view the object for AccountObj, I see there's a lot of properties listed there that I don't care about.  I'm only trying to change 1 property and send it back to SF.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

  • ***SOLVED***

    Look in the folder where you extracted the Salesforce github files when originally installing the extension for the file:  \testcomplete-salesforce-extension-main\src\

    Within the file is code in the this.Update logic which builds a list of fields which are considered "updateable".  You can add logic to that list builder to exclude fields from the .Push when the _metadata.fields[i].name contains "__pc", or for any other condition of field names which are throwing errors when trying to perform a .Update call to Salesforce.

    For Example:

    Changing:  if (_metadata.fields[i].updateable)

    To:  if ((_metadata.fields[i].updateable) && (_metadata.fields[i]"__pc") < 0))

    This will allow you to exclude problematic fields.

    • Rmuenks1's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Hi rraghvani! 

      Thanks, I was following the SOQL query format which was provided in the Examples provided with the github Salesforce / TestComplete extension which had this listed:

           // JavaScript example
           function Get_Names()
            let names = Salesforce.Query("SELECT+Name+FROM+Account");
            for (let i = 0; i < names.Count(); i++)

      I did try your suggestion however, and still got the error. 

      Status Code: 400
      Status Text: Bad Request

      [{"message":"Account: bad field names on insert/update call: Additional_E_mail__pc, Special_Needs__pc, Custom_Permissions__pc, Lic_Designation__pc, FinServ__ReferredByUser__pc, FinServ__CommunicationPreferences__pc, FinServ__ContactPreference__pc, Business_Phone__pc, Events_Experiences__pc, NAM_ID__pc, Formal_First_Name__pc, FinServ__CustomerTimezone__pc, Flag_for_Deletion__pc, 


      • rraghvani's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        I'm not using the + symbol in the SQL statement, and SOQL query examples also doesn't use it.


  • Rmuenks1's avatar
    Occasional Contributor


    Look in the folder where you extracted the Salesforce github files when originally installing the extension for the file:  \testcomplete-salesforce-extension-main\src\

    Within the file is code in the this.Update logic which builds a list of fields which are considered "updateable".  You can add logic to that list builder to exclude fields from the .Push when the _metadata.fields[i].name contains "__pc", or for any other condition of field names which are throwing errors when trying to perform a .Update call to Salesforce.

    For Example:

    Changing:  if (_metadata.fields[i].updateable)

    To:  if ((_metadata.fields[i].updateable) && (_metadata.fields[i]"__pc") < 0))

    This will allow you to exclude problematic fields.

    • rraghvani's avatar
      Champion Level 3

      I'm lost with the solution, but if it works, great!