Forum Discussion

schava's avatar
Occasional Contributor
15 years ago

Running test scripts on Windows Vista Business 32bit hangs

While trying to run scrips on Vista business 32 bit edition hungs in middle of the execution and shows as 'Play Back' mode. At this time even I am not able to stop the execution. The only way is to kill the processs, even in TC logs shows the error is 'script execution is interrupted'. After running one script always i needs to close the project suite and reopen only runs the next script. Otherwise it is hung the project suite. These are all scripts run well in XP. I am using TC 6.53 version. And another issue ios while trying to read the values from the Excel driver most of the times failing. One script runs well and the other fails why it's happeng is not understanding. I did the setting correctly as per help file like Windows Classic view nad trun off uesr account settings etc.,

Highly appreciated your help in this regard.



  • Hi Sivaji,

    Please see our reply in the following SQAforums thread:

    Also, in the future, please don't send us duplicated requests (note that we reply to messages sent via the Contact Support form, AutomatedQA newsgroups, AutomatedQA forums and the TestComplete section of the SQAforums site). This makes processing your requests much more difficult for us and does not increase the requests' priority anyway.

  • schava's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    First query:

    Sivaji: And another issue ios while trying to read the values from the Excel driver most of the times failing. One script runs well and the other fails why it's happeng is not understanding.

    Allen: Try finding differences between the two scripts and eliminating the differences until the problematic script starts working - this will help you find out what makes the problematic script fail.

    Sivaji: These are all the ATP scripts ran fine in XP OS. The problem which i mentioned is specific to Vista OS only.

    Second Query:

    Sivaji: While trying to run scrips on Vista business 32 bit edition hungs in middle of the execution and shows as 'Play Back' mode. At this time even I am not able to stop the execution. The only way is to kill the processs, even in TC logs shows the error is 'script execution is interrupted'.

    Allen: Requested the dumps for Application and TC after installing Windos Debugger

    Sivaji: Find the attched dumps for both Application and TC when the system gets hung.



  • Hi Sivaji,

    Although the second dump file's name is AppDump.dmp, the file was generated for TestComplete too. Therefore, the information is not enough for us to find the cause of the problem. Please follow the instructions below to help us collect more information about the problem:

    1. Download the Debugging Tools for Windows package from: (for 32-bit processes) (for 64-bit processes)

    and install it.

    2. When TestComplete and (or) the tested application hang(s), wait for approximately 30 minutes, run two instances of WinDbg ("C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows\windbg.exe").

    3. Attach the first WinDbg instance to TestComplete's process and attach the second instance to the tested application's process (File | Attach to a Process).

    4. Type the following command in the Command window of the first instance of WinDbg :

    .dump /m "C:\TCDump.dmp"

    and press Enter.

    5. Type the following command in the Command window of the second instance of WinDbg:

    .dump /m "C:\AppDump.dmp"

    and press Enter.

    6. Click Go on the WinDbg toolbar (or press F5) in both WinDbg instances. Wait for one minute and click Break (or press "Ctrl + Break") in both instances of WinDbg.

    7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to save another set of dump files with different file names.

    8. Without a delay, repeat steps 6 and 7 two more times.

    9. Send us all of the dump files created in the steps above.

    Thanks in advance.

    Note that we need several dump files both for TestComplete and for the application. The execution of both applications must be continued after generating the dump files (this isl metnioned in the steps). We need this information to see how the two processes interact with each other as time goes.

    BTW, the dump files you provided indicate that TestComplete works with the msjet40.dll library, so it looks like the two issues are actually related.

  • schava's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Please find the attached dumps taken 6 times once APP/TC gets hung.

    Awaiting for your reply. Since our ATP execution gets stopped until this query resolves. This issue is highly impacting us, because we are in a cycle and try to pass the regression ATP execution. But, unfortunately we encountered this error.

    Please provide me your reply and treat this is high priority issue.

    If it is taking a delay with this communication please provide us your mail id we can be in touch with e-mails instead of looking into forums for the reply.


  • Hi Sivaji,

    Unfortunately, the dump files do not contain any useful information either. We will have to reproduce the problem to find its cause. Please contact us directly via our Contact Support form ( to discuss the possibility of providing us with your tested application.

    Also, we would appreciate it a lot if you checked whether the problem can be reproduced with TestComplete 7.