Run script assertion without sending
Hi All,
I copied an xml message into a request (part of a testcase using property transfer). Next I created a script assertion which will validate the content of the request. Is it possible to run the script assertion without sending the request? I only want to know if the message validates against the xsd...
Thanks in advance,
Thanks for sharing the script. I replaced the 'println' with '' so I can see what's going on. The script is now:
/** * this groovy script validates given xml file * with the given xsd file **/ import org.xml.sax.SAXException import import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import javax.xml.XMLConstants import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory //Provide valid xml instance & and xsd file paths below def xml = 'C://Temp//BGTConnector//test2.xml' def xsd = 'C://SoapUI projecten//BGT Connector//imgeo0300//verticaal//imgeo0300_msg_verticaal.xsd' //Not required to edit beyond this point def isFileExists(String fileName) { def file = new File(fileName) def result = file.exists() if (result) { "$fileName exists" } else { "$fileName does not exist" } result } def isValid(String xsd, String xml) { def result = false if (isFileExists(xsd) && isFileExists(xml)) { def factory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI) try { def schema = factory.newSchema(new File(xsd)) def validator = schema.newValidator() validator.validate(new StreamSource(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(xml), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) "$xml is valid." result = true } catch (SAXException ex) { "$xml is not valid because \n" ex.localizedMessage } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { ex.localizedMessage } catch (IOException ex) { ex.localizedMessage } finally { return result } } else { "Can't validate file as one of the file is not found" } result } //Validate xml by calling above method isValid(xsd, xml)
When I run the groovy script it finds the xsd and xml but fails because it cannot resolve a name.
I searched for it and it's found in another xsd. I suspect the selected xsd has references to other xsd's which aren't loaded. Is it possible to load multiple xsd's? Can I refer to a property (which contains the message) instead of the xml file?
Thanks for helping out,