Forum Discussion

CBleunven's avatar
12 years ago

Running Excel as COM object "disable" add-ins

Hi everybody, We have an add-in for excel for another application and I face a problem with running Excel as a COM object using the following code:  var Excel = Sys["OleObject"]("Excel.Appli...
  • hlalumiere's avatar
    12 years ago
    Is there a reason you cannot just re-write the one formula in script?

    Also this is from MSDN:

    To load an add-in file when you run Excel as an OLE Automation object, load the add-in manually. Examples of this method are as follows.

    Microsoft Office Excel 2007

    Sub LoadAddin()

    ' Dimension variable xl as object type.
    Dim xl As Object

    ' Activate Microsoft Excel and assign to variable xl.
    Set XL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

    ' Open the add-in file you want, in this example, XLQUERY.XLAM.
    XL.Workbooks.Open (XL.librarypath & "\MSQUERY\XLQUERY.XLAM")

    ' If you need to register the functions and commands
    ' contained in a resource (XLL), use the RegisterXLL method.
    ' In the example below, all functions of Analys32.xll are
    ' registered.
    ' XL.RegisterXLL "Analys32.xll"

    ' Run any auto macros contained in the add-in file
    ' Auto macros don't run when you open a file
    ' using the Open method.
    XL.Workbooks("xlquery.xlam").RunAutoMacros 1

    Set XL = Nothing
    End Sub

    Microsoft Office Excel 2003 and earlier versions of Excel

    Sub LoadAddin()

    ' Dimension variable xl as object type.
    Dim xl As Object

    ' Activate Microsoft Excel and assign to variable xl.
    Set XL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

    ' Open the add-in file you want, in this example, XLQUERY.XLA.
    XL.Workbooks.Open (XL.librarypath & "\MSQUERY\XLQUERY.XLA")

    ' If you need to register the functions and commands
    ' contained in a resource (XLL), use the RegisterXLL method.
    ' In the example below, all functions of Analys32.xll are
    ' registered.
    ' XL.RegisterXLL "Analys32.xll"

    ' Run any auto macros contained in the add-in file
    ' Auto macros don't run when you open a file
    ' using the Open method.
    XL.Workbooks("xlquery.xla").RunAutoMacros 1

    Set XL = Nothing
    End Sub