Forum Discussion

apease01's avatar
Occasional Contributor
15 years ago

Run tests from excel Spreadsheet row by row


I am trying to write a script (jscript) that will work through a excel spreadsheet row by row. If a column has True in it, I would like it to go off and run a specific test assigned to that column.

Also, there will be data in the spreadsheet that I will need to input into a website, so would like to be able to create a  test that will go through the relevant cells in the row and pick out the information I need and populate eg a website form.

Can someone please help me with the script?

  • shail2812's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi Andy,

    Did you get the answer you were looking for ? Otherwise I can help. We are reading the data from different tabs of excel and setting that data in different fields in the screen.

    The next thing we are planning to do is to execute the tests conditionally based on some condition, which if true would execute the test and if false, skip the test. FYI, I thinik TC also provides this kind of functionality to conditionally execute the test (not very sure).

    you can mail me at
  • shail2812's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi Andy,

    Did you get the answer you were looking for ? Otherwise I can help. We are reading the data from different tabs of excel and setting that data in different fields in the screen.

    The next thing we are planning to do is to execute the tests conditionally based on some condition, which if true would execute the test and if false, skip the test. FYI, I thinik TC also provides this kind of functionality to conditionally execute the test (not very sure).

    you can mail me at
  • shail2812's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi Andy,

    Did you get the answer you were looking for ? Otherwise I can help. We are reading the data from different tabs of excel and setting that data in different fields in the screen.

    The next thing we are planning to do is to execute the tests conditionally based on some condition, which if true would execute the test and if false, skip the test. FYI, I thinik TC also provides this kind of functionality to conditionally execute the test (not very sure).

    you can mail me at