Forum Discussion

Ryu's avatar
4 years ago

ReadyAPI timeout causing failure within TestComplete test run.

I have several ReadyAPI calls as part of my project suite and for some reason many of them fail during a test run because of exceeding the read timeout.  I can run each of these ReadyAPI calls individually by right-clicking on the project tree and clicking Run and there is never any error.  Put it in a test script with the .Execute() command and there is almost always fail on the timeout.  I increased the timeout within ReadyAPI and saved the changes, but TestComplete still timeout and sometimes even says that the original timout was exceeded.  Has anyone else encountered this and how do I fix it?  This is from the Details tab for the failed step in TestComplete:


Type: The test run was cancelled due to a failed test step.

<h3><b>SOAP Request Failed</b></h3><pre> Read timed out
Status: FAIL
Time Taken: 3633
Size: 0
Timestamp: Fri May 28 10:57:17 CDT 2021
TestStep: SOAP Request

----------------- Messages ------------------------------ Read timed out

----------------- Properties ------------------------------
Endpoint: http://localhost:16499/3ac/soap/OA_Server
Encoding: UTF-8

---------------- Request ---------------------------
&lt;s:Envelope xmlns:s=&quot;;&gt;
      &lt;MultiSpeakMsgHeader Version=&quot;3.0&quot; UserID=&quot;MIL&quot; Pwd=&quot;milOMS4&quot; AppName=&quot;SoapUI&quot; AppVersion=&quot;5&quot; Company=&quot;Milsoft&quot; xmlns=&quot;;/&gt;
      &lt;ODEventNotification xmlns=&quot;;&gt;
            &lt;outageDetectionEvent objectID=&quot;{01C991C6-5159-47A9-877D-E6C8AB7D0000}&quot; errorString=&quot;&quot;&gt;
               &lt;comments&gt;IVR Test Call&lt;/comments&gt;
               &lt;!--NoResponse, Outage, PowerOff, Restoration, PowerOn--&gt;
               &lt;!--Call, CustomerServiceRep, InboundTelephoneDevice, Meter, Other--&gt;
                  &lt;message objectID=&quot;{01C991C6-5159-47A9-877D-E6C8AB7D2001}&quot;&gt;
               &lt;!--Normal, NeedsAttention, Urgent--&gt;
               &lt;!--Meter, Address, Unresolved--&gt;

---------------- Response --------------------------
- missing response / garbage collected -

13 Replies

  • Let's see a screenshot of the code that is failing please.

    • Ryu's avatar

      Marsha_R Which code?  Do you mean the command in the TestComplete script that runs the ReadyAPI call or the ReadyAPI SOAP call itself?