Forum Discussion

Simon_InT's avatar
6 years ago

Is there a way of using a project suite variable within a project variable?

I have a project suite with multiple projects. Does anyone know if there is way to use a project suite variable within a project variable? For example, I want to do something like this:   Project S...
  • tristaanogre's avatar
    6 years ago

    shankar_r's code is correct for use within a script routine or when using the Set Variable Value operation of a keyword test.  However, you can't do such code within the Variables tab of the project.  To do what you want to do, it will have to be implemented some way in code... declare the two variables, one at the project level and one at the project suite level and then set the project level value in code as indicated above.


    Keep in mind that the "Value" field when you are declaring a variable is simply the default value that, unless otherwise specified, is used whenever the variable is called.