Forum Discussion

qadude73's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 months ago

How to get a specific value from a specific grid row, column using Python?

I've been trying to get a value from a grid's specific location (row, column) using Python but seems to struggle finding the correct method. So far, the closest method I found is .SelectItem(), but i...
  • rraghvani's avatar
    7 months ago

    It's been ages since I last worked with MFC, and I can't remember if MFC has a grid control. Anyway, you have various properties, and one of them is wItem. If you were to provide appropriate parameter(s) to wItem, then TC may be able to retrieve the exact data.


    The properties shown, it should be possible to retrieve the data you require, but you will have to play around with the properties and parameter(s) values!