Forum Discussion

dwong_smartbear's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 years ago

Python - Using ADO and RecordSet in testcomplete scripts

Two questions I have regarding the ADO interface with Python:   1. When I do: rec_set = conn.Execute_("SELECT A, B FROM C WHERE D='E") ... there's no problem, but if I do:   rec_set = conn.Exec...
  • cunderw's avatar
    7 years ago

    Here is an approach I used for something similar. It basically will take a record set and build an array of objects with their properties being the column names / values. It's javascript, but shouldn't be hard to do a similar approach in python. 


    function recordToObjectArray(rec) {
      let retVal = [];
      try {
       while(!rec.EOF) {
          let currObj = {};
          for(var i = 0; i < rec.Fields.Count; i++) {
            currObj[rec.Fields.Item(i).Name] = rec.Fields.Item(i).Value;        
      } catch(err) {
        Log.Warning("There was an error building object. See additional information", err.message + "\n" + err.stack);
      } finally {
        return retVal;