Forum Discussion

enriquebravo's avatar
3 years ago

Project Variables Missing From Project Copy



I made a copy of a folder containing the TestComplete project files into a new location using the Windows Explorer. When I accessed the copy project, I noticed that the project variables are missing. I think it is tcls files the config files that store project variables.

Is it possible that the project variables are stored not under the project folder? I will recreate the variables manually, but I thought I'd ask anyways.



  • I haven't had the need to copy a project in a long time, but I recall it losing the variables in the past. What version of TestComplete are you using?

    • enriquebravo's avatar

      Hey Marsha.... I am using the latest version. 15.46


      I thought using the clone option would be better, but then again, I didn't want the copied project to be part of my project suite.



  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Do you have projects within a project suite, and the variables are declared in the project suite?



    • enriquebravo's avatar

      I do have multiple projects, each one having its own project variables. There is only one project suite variable at this point. Is that what causes the situation?



  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    If you've copied a project to a different location, the variable reference to the project suite would be broken.