Forum Discussion

ehaartmans's avatar
Occasional Contributor
13 years ago

Possible to record keywordtest based on contenttext in stead of id or name?

I'm recording tests in a browser without namemapping. When I do this clicking links or buttons are recorded based on name or id. I would rather see that these items would be recorded on the contenttext (in the tree model) and without the path to this item.

It would be something like an evaluatexpath or page.findchild.

Is this possible?

Selenium can do this and I would very much like that TC could do this too.
  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Erik,


    Do you mean recording tests based on XPath expressions? Hmm...At this moment, that's impossible. Currently, you can use XPath to find the needed object only during the manual creation of tests.