4 years agoOccasional Contributor
Plot some results
Is it possible use any plot library inside the test complete ?
I would like to plot e.g. memory usage in time
Best Regards,
Is it possible use any plot library inside the test complete ?
I would like to plot e.g. memory usage in time
Best Regards,
HI Michal,
TestComplete has performance counters that can be used to graph out info during a test run.
This info would be in the log once the test is done running.
Hopefully this helps!
I wonder about my variables plotting not only system ones.
TestComplete drives tested application in synchronous manner, like the human user does.
So it is not possible to create one 'thread' to drive the application and another 'thread' to plot the graph in parallel.
Obviously it is possible to collect data to be plotted during test execution and plot them as the final step of your test.