Forum Discussion

abhagwat's avatar
Occasional Contributor
13 years ago

parse rows and cols and get cell value.

Flexgrid:- parse rows and cols and get cell value.

Problem :- I am facing problem with respect to getting values from flex grid

Code i wrote :-

myvalue = aqObject.GetPropertyValue(Aliases.iexplore.UTM_HomePage.objectApp.mainMain1.canvasOrders.canvasOrderorders.dividedboxVdiv.orderdatagridOrdersgrid.FlexObject.dataProvider.source.item("2"),"Leaves")

msgbox myvalue

This produces error.

How do i parse cells via rows and columns of Flexgrid.

Dataprovider is [mx.collections::XMLListCollection object]. Source is represented as

<row idx="01-7902" meID="1" du="1" taNum="" clientOrderId="270" badgeNum="-1" agencyName="" rid="00V2M" status="Filled" tsTime="15:52:25.673758" symbol="JFP" side="Buy" broadSide="B" orderType="Limit" equoteType="" routeInst=" " size="1000" pxScale="4" price="10.01" dPrice="0.000000" delQty="0"

looked at this post However it seems that it does not assume source to be xmllist.

Your help will be appreciated

