Forum Discussion

Stan's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

OCR is it working or not?


Running OCROptionsSample, the output obtained is only irrelevant symbols and no texts. Please let me know why? and how do I fix it.

I believe, OCR extension is included. Also comment if the same is tested in Flex based applications as well.



1 Reply

  • irina_lukina's avatar
    Super Contributor

    Hi Stanley,

    First of all, I recommend that you try disabling font smoothing as it is described in the Using Optical Character Recognition - Tips help topic. Also, I just wanted to note that using the OCR functionality doesn't guarantee that your text will be perfectly recognized.

    If disabling font smoothing doesn't help, can you please post here the exact code that you ran and describe the control the text of which you were trying to recognize?
