Forum Discussion

Matt1's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

Object Tree Updating while running test

Hi there,


When the Test Complete software runs some of my test (when called by a .bat file) a loading bar stating, "Updating Object Tree", appears and causes my tests to run incorrectly. It only occurs for some of my tests and never occurs when the tests are called within the actual tester only when called from a bat file (used to test the GUI from a task scheduler).


Thanks for the help,


4 Replies

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    I'm assuming the batch file is running TestExecute while you're running TestComplete.


    In TestComplete, go to Tools | Options | Engines | NameMapping and see if the option "Update Name Mapping during test run".  If that's checked, uncheck it.

    do the same on the TestExecute box... run TestExecute, right click on the sys tray icon for the tool, and go to Options | Engines | NameMapping and uncheck that same option.

    • Matt1's avatar
      New Contributor

      Both check boxes were already unchecked, do you know of anything else that could be causing the problem?

      • tristaanogre's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        What version of TestComplete are you using and are you using ODT objects to drive your tests?