Forum Discussion

StephenWoolhead's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

Name Mapping in Android

Hi all, newbie here, just getting to grips with test complete and I can't seem to get name mapping to work.


I'm connected to a physical device, click Map object from screen, I can pick an item from the appium tree and ist shows me something like


Mobile.Device().FindElementByXPath("//ancestor::*[*[@text=\"Device ID\"]]")


I click OK and nothing happens?


Any advice?





  • StephenWoolhead 

    for the appium based mobile support, namemapping hasnt been implemented yet.

    this means if you record your tests, you'll see that the objects are just geting called as Mobile.Device.FindElement(X) instead of something like Aliases.device.button


    namemapping should be included in the next release