Forum Discussion

gdave's avatar
Regular Contributor
3 years ago

Name Mapping Guidance

Dear Peers


I am bit confused in relation to name mapping object and I will highly appreciate if you can guide me in terms of what's the best way forward here.


So ours is a web based application. There is a main menu called 'Transactions' and underneath Transactions we have several sub-menus. When on any of the sub-menu page we have common search field to find any client with name, portfolio number etc. My question here is that what is the best way to map the search field as it is common to all the sub-menus. Is it actually possible to map a common field to multiple objects? If yes, how can I achieve it ? Thanks



  • hello gdave - 


    A few questions to better assist you - are you using the property based approach to identify elements or xpath/css?


    Please let me know so I can help advise. 



    • gdave's avatar
      Regular Contributor
      Hi Emma

      I am using property based approach.

    • gdave's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      Hi Emma


      I was wondering if you had a chance to look into my query.




      • vinniew's avatar

        Hey gdave 


        Just reviewing your query. 


        So if I understand your issue. 


        What we need to do is generalize your parent object in the name mapping. 


        In other words not have it associated to a client/portfolio/ID which changes based on different users/iterations. 


        Is that correct? 


        You can use a wild card here to generalize the parent object.



        I have a screenshots of an example I used recently applying this method in my salesforce instance 


        Let me know if this works 



