Forum Discussion

gdave's avatar
Regular Contributor
11 months ago

Missing Floders - Urgent Help !

Hi all

I had this issue when I opened up my project this morning. Couple of my folders are missing and I am not sure how to retrieve them. I also have no clue what could have gone wrong here. Any help is much appreciated.

I have attached the screenshot  of folders from my production & back project. There are three folders which are missing in total. Please help.






12 Replies

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Using Explorer, navigate to the folder location. Do they appear?

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Folders COPS Automated and COPS Manual Checks, are these folders that were created in TestComplete? If yes, then they won't appear in Explorer. Are you able to search for files using Explorer, that were in the COPS folders?


    In this example, there's no physical folders called Random and Stuff

    But I do have files files associated to section Random


    Did you happen to upgrade TestComplete?

    • gdave's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      Yes, Folders COPS Automated and COPS Manual Checks, were created in TestComplete.


      I can see some files in keywordtest folder and some elsewhere but they all seem disorganize. 


      No, I did not upgrade TestComplete at all. I think it was frozen yesterday but then I shut it down. When I reopened the project this morning, test from all three folders were missing. Surprisingly I was only working in one of the folders and didn't even touch others so not sure what went wrong.

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    I've only seen this happen once on my side, but it has been reported a number of times on the forum.


    I'm assuming the project file of TestComplete may have got corrupted some how. Using Explorer, try and recover all of your files. I then suggest creating a new project/suite, and reorganising all of your files again. Then use source control of your choice, to backup your project - this is vital when doing any form of development work.


    Make a few copies, of your old project first, before making changes.

    • gdave's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      How to I go about recovering those files using explorer ?

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    There references in TestComplete project are most likely broken. However the files and folder should still remain on your computer. Use Explorer to search/browse for these files and folders, and make a backup copy of it.

    • gdave's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      Sorry but where do I search for these files & folders ? Do I search them in my TestComplete project folder or everywhere on my computer ? Moreover I don't remember the names of all the files which are lost so how do I find them in the first place ? Is it like something we delete and it all sits in recycle bin from where it could be recovered ? 

    • gdave's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      So I was trying to find the files and they all seem to be present in my KeywordTest folder. The only issue is that when I open my PJS project file. the test from keywodtest folder doesn't show up in TestComplete.


      Is there a way to make sure that these files open up in test complete ? Thanks

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    If you've been working with JavaScript, search for .js files, or .tcKDTest for keyword test files.


    Start with searching your project location, then your PC - I don't know how your project is structured, so you may have files in other locations. Check your recycling bin. Check for previous versions,


  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Files .pjs and .mds are just text files, that references other stuff. However, elements key and typeId have unique attributes which are generated and used by TC. You won't be able to generate these, hence the reason for mentioning to create a new project.


    If you do decide to make any changes to the .pjs or .mds, ensure you backup your files!