Forum Discussion

TanyaYatskovska's avatar
7 years ago

Meet TestComplete 12.5



We're excited to announce that TestComplete 12.5 is ready and available for download! The new release includes enhancements to the tool's mobile testing features, desktop to web transition support, and new reporting and debugging capabilities.


Here are a few highlights:


Enhanced Mobile Testing with Cross-Platform Support:

Quickly conduct mobile testing across Android, iOS, and Windows devices with one set of code. TestComplete has expanded its cross-platform capabilities with Xamarin.Forms support.  Learn more.


Expanded Testing for Desktop Apps Built on Web Technologies:

TestComplete now lets you create and run automated tests for Electron-based applications. Test both your desktop and web apps at the same time to decrease test creation cycles and maintenance headaches. Learn more.


Faster Script Maintenance and Debugging (Highest Community Vote!):

You can now identify where test variables, functions, or objects are used for rapid application updates, debugging, and test reusability. Just right-click on the variable name and select “Find Usages” to start navigating large script units or projects.


Other feature enhancements include:

  • Expanded support for WPF, Infragistics and CEF controls
  • New video recorder operation for improved debugging and faster resolution
  • The ability to identify cross-browser tests by status and filter errors by type for enhanced reporting
  • Various checkpoint improvements to make validation more seamless
  • Built-in test samples to help new automation testers get started with TestComplete even faster


Mobile platforms supported:

  • iPhone 7 plus, 8, 8 plus, and X and iPad mini 3 and 4
  • Android 8.1 (API Level 27)


Discontinued Support:

TestComplete no longer supports Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 and iOS version 8.x. If you require support for these browser and device versions, please contact sales.



I'm installing TestComplete on my desktop and looking forward to playing with new features :)

How do you find the new version? Please share your comments here.

10 Replies

  • I'll probably be adding more feedback as I go but the first item of note (not a major one):


    We had our shortcuts and such for TestComplete on our machine set to use the 32-bit version for various reasons.  After the upgrade, those shortcuts got changed.  For future releases, it might be nice to detect what version a short cut is set to and, on an upgrade, preserve that version.  An easy manual change to make on my end but it would be nice to not have to make it

    • tristaanogre's avatar
      Esteemed Contributor

      A note:


      Conditional mapping in TestComplete 12.4x and earlier is stored in the NameMapping file differently in 12.50.  So, if you upgrade one machine to 12.50, and try to open a converted NameMapping file on an older version, you will lose you conditional mapping.  A best practice with TestComplete is to upgrade all tool instances (TestComplete and TestExecute) all at the same time but usually there's some allowance for phasing in... with this upgrade, this no longer appears to be the case.

  • I am having an issue with TestComplete version 12.5 recognizing objects within Chrome 65. I ran into this issue before when Chrome updated to Chrome 65, and I had to install a patch. Now that I have recently updated to TC 12.5 I am not sure what the issue would be.


    Is anyone else having issues with TestComplete 12.5 interacting with Chrome 65?

    • jjessop's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      I'm also seeing the issues with Chrome 65 and TC 12.5

      all other browsers function as expected..


      I've uninstalled, deleted the Common Files folder where the extension lives, re-installed, removed/deleted the extension from chrome, manually added the new installed extension, enabled it. 


      Still the issue persists.

  • This is what displays when I record a new test after the 12.5 upgrade.


    It doesn't recognize anything except the browser itself. Although I am clicking specific items on the page, it doesn't seem to pick them up like normal.

    • tristaanogre's avatar
      Esteemed Contributor

      12.50 includes a more explicit support for Chrome 65.  I'm guessing (haven't tried it yet) that this means that the Chrome Extension got an update... which means you might need to re-enable the extension.  Check and verify that the Chrome Extension is enabled.

  • It shows that it is enabled. I have even disabled/enabled it to make sure.


    It still does not seem to be working.

  • The "Highlight on Screen" feature does not work. Do we have a patch to fix that issue?