Marking new checkboxes
Hi! I'm new to testcomplete. I'm working on some web tests and I'm learning how to use testcomplete at all.
Well, I wanted to do a test with some checkboxes, the page works in such a way that there are 5 checkboxes per page, being able to increase this number with a list. Once a person is selected and a request is created, their checkbox is disabled so that the chosen user only has one request in progress. Then the next testcomplete run tells me the error that the checkbox is not accessible since it sees it disabled.
Is it possible to tell testcomplete to look for the closest checkbox that is available so that it automatically selects it?
Oh, sometimes when I use the object spy tool to manually tell testcomplete to check another box that is available at that time simply ignores me and launches the same error, even when I do the highlight thing to see if my mark was on the right spot. Idk why this happens, maybe is a code error
I'm only using keyword test bc I'm so noob with code and scripts. Thank u in advance and have a great day ☀️