Making DDT.CurrentDriver A Bit More Efficient
I am using DDT.CurrentDriver (PYTHON) -It works fine but loses its way occasionally
Reading from a spreadsheet in Loops
I read from a the spreadsheet get an EMPID, Check amount and a check date
Now that I am later in the year I read multiple times for each individual (EMPIDS)
Instead of reading and evaluating once for each month (EMPID, DATE,AMT)
I would like to loop through with the EMPID and lookup up all nine values at once.
My brain hurts. IN SQL I know how to accomplish this, however in Python (Or a wild manipulation of EXCEL) I would like to only do one pass of the data instead of one for each month.
I've never seen DDT.CurrentDriver lose its way, so not sure what that could be other than maybe there is a blank cell in the way and it will stop there.
If you want one emp = one pass then put all the data for one employee on the same line