log.picture bug
From time to time I get caught out by the log.picture bug. If you want to log a picture you use
log.picture (obj.picture) [This works]
but if you want to log a picture with message text the help file for picture method says
Log.Picture(Picture, MessageText, AdditionalInformation, Priority, Attr, FolderID)
Which means that this line should be valid
log.picture (obj.picture, "my message") [Syntax error]
but this always results in a syntax error at the comma.
You have to use the same command without brackets
log.picture obj.picture, "my message" [This works]
The command should parse with the brackets, as do all the other log methods. Please fix this bug.
Hi Michael,
In VBScript, to call a method with parameters you need to either use the Call keyword:
Call Log.Picture(obj.picture, "my message")
or omit the parentheses around the parameter list:
Log.Picture obj.picture, "my message"
This is standard VBScript syntax, and not a TestComplete issue.