Forum Discussion

sastowe's avatar
Super Contributor
12 years ago

license servers with multiple editions

In my organization, we have 3 standard edition licenses and 1 enterprise edition license for Test Complete. I am the only user that uses TC Enterprise right now. So on the machine I use, I point directly to the enterprise license server. When other users use Test Complete, it seeks a license manager server. I think sometimes it is hitting the enterprise one despute not needing it, blocking me out. Is there any way on the license server to not allow anythign but direct connections?


  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Stephanie,


    You can do the following:

    1. Configure each computer to obtain the license only from the appropriate server. Your computer will obtain the license only from the LM PC where the Enterprise license is activated, other computers - from the LM PC where the Standard license is activated. More info.


    2. Block access to the server where the Enterprise license is activated to other users except you. Here are the steps to do this.