lazy loading - objects not yet in memory
I am working with an application that uses lazy loading. In one of my tests, I am accessing a row that is visible on a normal monitor. Today I am working on my small laptop and the row is not only not visible, it is not even in memory because the app uses lazy loading to create the objects as they are needed. I can't find a way to scroll before finding the needed row (when I use several of the scroll methods for javascript I get a 'member not found' error. I can't define the row number and then scrollIntoViewIfNeeded because the row doesn't exist to find in the first place so it errors on that (panel(x) could not be found). Suggestions?
Thanks Rraghvani, I am not using outlook, I am using this code to attach the summary ( the 'Summary.htm' is the test file I was using -
# Attach test report file
attachment_path = 'C:\\Users\\JamesG\\Documents\\Summary.htm'
with open(attachment_path, "rb") as attachment:
part = MIMEApplication(, Name="test_report.pdf")
part["Content-Disposition"] = f'attachment; filename="{attachment_path}"'
msg.attach(part)This works but I cant find or figure out how to find the 'Test Execution Summary' for the current run ?