Forum Discussion

mehashah's avatar
12 years ago

Language selection in TC


Initially I started coding using VB in Testcomplete, but if I would want to change my primary language to JScript, how could I do it?

Just by selecting JScript from Tools > Options is not changing it to JScript. Because I start getting errors if any Java syntax is used in my programs.

Any help is appreciated.

2 Replies

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Hi Meha,

    Once selected, the scripting language for the test project cannot be changed.

    Two options are possible:

    a) Recreate your code in another language; or

    b) Create a new project and add it to the existing test suite - different test projects in the test suite can use different scripting languages (but obviously cannot share script units).

  • Hi Meha,

    Currently, there is no way to change the scripting language in an existing project. We have a suggestion to implement this ability in our database, and your request has increased its rating. Thank you.

    BTW, you can try using script extensions.