Forum Discussion

Ramal's avatar
Occasional Contributor
2 months ago

Issue with Keyword Test recording

Hello ! 

I am facing issue where when i record a test case for my desktop application , it seems Testcomplete is unable to recognize objects and showing below generic items in the recorded script . It was fine before as i recorded couple of test cases before but all of a sudden for same application - it started behaving this way . 


Please help .


  • Hassan_Ballan's avatar
    Frequent Contributor


    To help you isolate, try to reboot and re-install TestComplete. Also try a new project.

  • Ramal's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I tried restarting TC but same issue is happening . It was fine the whole day yesterday but suddenly started behaving this way 

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Try to restart TestComplete to see if that makes any difference. Ensure you have the appropriate license and add-ons enabled. Ensure you have SmartBear Test Extension installed. Verify your name mappings have not been corrupted, and ensure they correspond to your UI controls with the properties you have defined.