Forum Discussion

helmer's avatar
7 years ago

ISO 9001 certification SmartBear/TestComplete

I am testing a application which is developed in a company have ISO 9001 certificate for is QA and Development process.

Part of ISO 9001 is that you also question the 3rd Party components about their Quality Plan / certification.

Is there a resource where I can see if SmartBear is ISO 9001 certified or if there is any Quality Plan is available which can be used as reference.

3 Replies

    • tristaanogre's avatar
      Esteemed Contributor

      I second AlexKaras that your best bet is to contact SmartBear directly.  I would send the message via the support link but I'd also suggest you contact your sales representative or customer experience manager.  


      When I worked with SmartBear concerning regulated industry, it was something that had to be handled directly with a SmartBear representative.  There were agreements, contracts, etc., that were arranged and passed back and forth... stuff a lot more complicated than should be handled by a forum. SmartBear is CERTAINLY willing to help with this kind of stuff, at least in my experience.  In my experience it was with FDA CFR 21 Part 11 governing documentation for clinical trials... probably a LOT more complex than an ISO 9001 cert... but it wouldn't hurt to ask.

  • Thanks for your response. I will contact my smartbear rep.

    Looks like the industry is split when it comes to ISO 9001.

    While IBM is fully certified, Red Hat has nothing to show. Microsoft at least certified Azure.

    I guess for OpenSource project you have to check with commercial distributor to get certified version of their software....