Forum Discussion

torus's avatar
2 years ago

Is there a difference between TestExecuteLite.exe and TestExecute.exe?

There are no articles in TestComplete documentation that mention TestExecuteLite.exe. However, when I look at the TestComplete files that were installed, I do not see any TestExecute.exe executables ...
  • torus's avatar
    2 years ago

    I thought TestExecute.exe would be downloaded/installed when I installed TestComplete. I wanted to try running TestExecute.exe from the command line. However, I cannot find TestExecute.exe. From an email exchange with Sales, it looked like 1 TestExecute license came with the TestComplete pro bundle. But I can't find an executable called TestExecute.exe. I can only find an executable called TestExecuteLite.exe.

    Below is what should come with the Pro Bundle:


    from Sales:

    Included in the TestComplete Pro Bundle is:

    • 1 TestComplete Platform, which includes:
      • 1 Web testing module
      • 1 Desktop testing module
      • 1 Mobile testing module
      • 1 Intelligent Quality Add-on
    • 1 TestExecute license – this is our lightweight version of the tool that allows you to ONLY run tests that were already created on the Platform.