Infragistics RecordListControl not recognized as table or How to access rows and columns?
first: I am pretty new to TestComplete, so I apologize in case I just did not look in the right place for the answer. I have spent quite some time looking without being able to solve my issue.
We have in our application several tables represented by "Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.RecordListControl"s. The child items in that control are of class "Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Internal.RecordListItemContainer".
The RecordListControl is one of the derived classes of the XamDataGrid, it is enabled as such in the ObjectMapping. My problem is that I cannot seem to use any of the methods of the XamDataGrid ( ).
I need some way to find the correct row using the value of a specific column and then mark/unmark this row using the RecordSelector.
Here is what this table looks like in the Object Browser:
Any help would be very much appreciated.