Forum Discussion

sharjeelpk's avatar
Occasional Contributor
13 years ago

Infragistic controls

Hi All, I am automating tests for an application which use Infragistic controls. I am fighting with those controls to get access of the items they got but failed. so I am now here to get some help from you guys.

Major problem is , how to get access  of items of  "UltraToolbarsDockArea ", Is it possible for anyone  to send me a piece of code whcih I can customize as per my requirement or send me the link of a help.

My major controls are as followed.




Thanks in advance


  • sharjeelpk's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Can Anybody help. My Code is

    For i = 1 To TotalToolBars


    Log.Message "Clicking on the ToolBar = " & i


    For j = 1 To ToolsCount


    ToolsCount= MainToolBar.ToolbarsManager.Toolbars.Item(i).Tools.Count

    Log.Message ToolsCount

    Tools = MainToolBar.ToolbarsManager.Toolbars.Item(i).Tools.Item(j)

    here Testcomplete gives error that Object Does not support this Property of Method : 'Tools'


    • rajbarclays's avatar
      Occasional Visitor


      I am getting the popular object not found while executing the tests.

      The difference is I get two objects which have this signature WPFObject("_b30e3760724a476c863a70183bd1b89d").

      when I try running his test the number changes dynamically and hence the obkject could not be found.


      Could you please help out.


      This object is an infragistics content pane control and i have the extension in the project which is enabled.


      thanks in advance.

      • Ravik's avatar
        Super Contributor

        Hi Guys.


        I had few methods for infragistic control. this may help you .



        1objName.menuStrip1.Items.CountGet The Menu Count
        2objName.menuStrip1.Items.Item_2(i).PerformClickClick on Menus (based on Index)
        3objName.Rows.Item(0).Cells.Item(4).ClickClick on Specific cell (Table Grid)
        4objName.Rows.Item(0).Cells.Item(2).get_TextGet data from specific cell(Table Grid)
        5objName.Rows.VisibleRowCountGet The row count from Table Grid
        6objName.ActivateMaking window activated
        7objName.BringToFrantBring Object window at Frant
        8MainForm.UltraMainMenu.Click(MenuStr)MenuStr = File|New or Format|View|Edit
        9objName.Item(0).Columns.Item(i).Header.Captionget column header name
        10menuStrip1.Items.Item_2(intIconIndex).ToolTipTextTool Tips - from icons
        11gridTrades.GetToolTipText(objCell)Tool Tips - from specific cell
        12objFinalListName.set_SelectedIndex(i)Select value from Drop down
        13ultraTabControl1.CloseTab(1)Closing Tab (based on index)
        14objName.Rows.Item(i).cells.Item(7).set_Value("abc")Set Text into Textbox (Specific Cell)