Forum Discussion

mikej411's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

How to verify whether a blinking cursor is currently inside of a text box

I am trying to verify that the text box gets the focus (the blinking cursor gets placed inside of it) after a certain action. I tried to use the Focused property, but it does not seem to work, or the...
  • mikej411's avatar
    9 years ago

    Got it. Everything works now, thank you!


      var actualFocusedElement = Sys.Browser().Page("*BC/Report*")    
      if(aqString.Contains(actualElement, "saveDialog_tmpl_sfsName", 0, true))
        Log.Message("The blinking cursor is inside of the name text box")
        Log.Error("The blinking cursor is not inside of the name text box")	

    I used the actual focused element's ObjectIdentifier (ID) and compared it against the expected ID, utilizing the activeElement jScript function.