Forum Discussion
- tristaanogreEsteemed Contributor
You can use VBScript in TestComplete but I don't think you can necessarily expect a 1 to 1 port over from UFT. Both tools have certain native objects, methods, etc., that are unique to the tool.
If you have aVBScript file, you can, in your TestComplete project, right click on the Script object and select Add -> Existing item. Browse to the file and click OK and your code unit is now part of your project. Note that TestComplete uses the svb extension for VBScript units instead of vbs but it should still work.- rhsou123Contributor
Thank you replying, I have my own keywords developed when I was using UFT, is it possible to add them as methods in Testcomplete without using the recording means I need to define my own methods and than test an Excel script by calling some of these keywords ? I want to do that to don't lost my old scripts and to test them with Testcomplete too with the possible minimun of changes.
I just need to use my old execution steps and keywords developed in VBScript too to run my old and my new tests in Testcomplete, is this possible or I have to redefine my keywords(methods) and execution steps according to Testcomplete terms ?
- tristaanogreEsteemed Contributor
I'll confess, I don't know a thing about UFT, about how it works, about what things you can set up in there, etc. So... if you have VBScript code files you created in UFT that do certain tasks and such, best thing I can tell you is try to add them to your TestComplete project and see what happens. Again, you might have to do some rework of a few things, especially things referencing the UFT object repository (what TestComplete calls Namemapping) and any other native UFT objects you are referencing.
Again, it won't be a 1 to 1 port... you can't just dump UFT stuff into TestComplete and expect it to work "out of the box".
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