Forum Discussion

anandkumar's avatar
13 years ago

how to suppress popus while opening the script


opening the script for the first time from a shared drive one popup
comes like 'this is from a shared drive do u want to open'

2) If there is some prob in script log then also one popup comes while opening the script

both the above problems are not solved by the silent mode. it only
suppress the popup during closing of script. so how can this be handled.
so from beginning of the script opening till TC is closed i dont want
any popups related to TC.

Thanks in advance.
  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Anand,


    When I run my project in silent mode, I don't see any warning/error dialogs. I'm using TestComplete 9.10. Can you reproduce the problem on your side with this product version?


  • Hi Tanya,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I work in TC 8.5 and i dont have opportunity to upgrade it now. this is the command i use for silent mode  'TCApp.Manager.RunMode =3'

    let me know if u use some thing different.

  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Anand,


    I've tried with the /SilentMode command line, but you are using TestComplete's COM object (however, you didn't mention this). Actually, when opening the product via COM, TestComplete runs in silent mode by default (unless you set the Visible property to True). If it doesn't work on your computer, I suggest that you report this issue to our Support team.